List of Articles

Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics. Vol. 31, No. 1, 2023

Original Article
A Study on the Safety Management of UAS by Analyzing Its Accident Factors
무인항공기시스템 사고요인 분석을 통한 안전 운용방안 고찰
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):1-10.
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Analysis of the Total System Error Correlation of Hybrid Fixed-Wing UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) according to Environmental Factor
환경요인에 따른 복합형 수직이착륙 무인항공기의 통합 시스템 오차 상관도 분석
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):11-17.
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A Study on the Criteria for Applying the Obstacle Limitation Surface of the UAM Vertiport
UAM 수직이착륙장(Vertiport)의 장애물제한표면 적용 기준에 대한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):18-25.
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The Study on Air Force Pilot’s Recognition about Cockpit Noise to Foster Aviation Safety by the Use of Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):26-36.
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A Study on the Analysis Method of Noise Standard Reflecting Aircraft Performance according to Flight Condition
비행조건에 따른 항공기 성능을 반영한 소음기준 분석방법 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):37-42.
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A Study on Improvement Plans for Flight and Cabin Crew Fatigue Management System after COVID-19 Pandemic
코로나19 팬데믹 이후 승무원 피로관리시스템 개선방안 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):43-56.
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A Study on Male Pilot Candidates' Life Satisfaction, Basic Psychological Needs and Grit by Experiencing COVID-19 Period
남자 예비조종사의 코로나-19 시기 경험 여부에 따른 삶의 만족도, 기본 심리적 욕구, 그릿 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):57-67.
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Identifying Behavior Indicators for Flight Instructor Competencies and Training Needs Analysis for General Aviation Flight Instructor
일반항공 비행교관 역량별 행동지표 및 비행교관 교육요구 분석
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):68-78.
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A Study for Enhancing Efficiency of STAR and IAP for the Prospect of Aircraft Descent Performance and FMS Descent Guidance Information
항공기 강하 성능과 FMS 강하 정보에 기반한 표준계기도착절차와 계기접근절차의 운항 효율성 향상에 관한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):79-91.
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Estimating the Growth Rate of Inbound Air Travelers to Jeju with ARIMA Time-Series
ARIMA 시계열 모형을 이용한 제주도 인바운드 항공여객 증가율 예측 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):92-98.
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Analyzing the Impact of Pandemics on Air Passenger and Cargo Demands in South Korea
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):99-106.
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Airport Passenger’s Perceived Innovativeness Explaining the Effect of Pursuit Benefits on Intention of Adoption
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):107-117.
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A Study on the Effects of Learning Perception Using Role Play on Interpersonal Competence, Learning Satisfaction, and Learning Outcomes of Aviation Service Major College Students
역할극을 통한 학습인식이 항공서비스전공 대학생의 대인관계능력, 학습만족, 학습성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2023;31(1):118-132.
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