Checklist Download File

Ⅰ. Type of Article

□ Original article

□ Review article

□ Opinion

□ Case report

□ Short communication

□ Commentary

□ Letters to the editor

Ⅱ. General considerations

1. Submitted manuscript is original and considered by other scientific journals for publication at the same time

2. The original article is organized in the order of title page, abstract, text, reference, and appendix. The text consists of article title, key words, intruduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and conclusions.

3. Manuscript letter is 9 points of batangguel and line space lies in 200%

4. Each page contains the page number.

Ⅲ. Title

1. The types of articles(original article, review article, opinion, case report, short communication, commentary, letters to the editor).

2. The research funding and no conflict-of-interest.

3. The name, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail of the corresponding author.

Ⅳ. Abstract

1. Abstract consists of objectives, methods, results and conclusions.

2. Korean manuscript should contain English abstract and English manuscript should contain Korean abstract.

3. English abstract should have no more than 300 words, and Koeran abstract should contain 500 words.

4. Key words should be arranged in order of alphabet within 6 words.

Ⅴ. Reference

1. All reference should be cited in the text.

2. Reference should be written in the instruction and punctuation should be well arranged.

3. If a citation has 6 authors, write the 6 author’s names. If there are more than 7 aouthors, apply ‘et al.’ at the end of the first six author’s surname.

Ⅵ. Table and Figure

1. Table and figure do not overlap each other within 6.

2. Table and figure are arranged according to instruction.

I confirmed that the authors should adhere to manuscript checklist of Journal of the Korean society for Aviation and Aeronautics.