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I. The underdesigned author, have reviewed the submitted manuscript, state that this article to be a valid work, and approved it for publication.

1. I certify that none of the material in the manuscript included in another manuscript, is presently being considered for publication elsewhere, or has been published heretofore for any other language.

2. I further certify that I have contributed substantially to accept public accountability for it.

3. I have not assigned any right or interst in the article to any third party, and I also attest that all figures and illustrations that accompany this article have not been digitally altered and do not misrepresent in any way the actual circumstances reported.

4. I further warrant that this article has not beem accepted for publication elsewhere.

5. The authors grant the Korean society for aviation and aeronautics to own the full term of copyright and any extensions thereto the sole and exclusive, irrevocable license to publish, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, store, translate, create derivate, works from and otherwise use the Work in any language or in any form, manner, format, or medium now known or hereafter developed without limitation throughout the world, and to permit and/or license others to do any or all of the above.

Owner of copyright remains with the authors, and provided that, when reproducing the contribution or extracts from it, they acknowledge first, and reference publication in the Journal of the Korean society for Aviation and Aeronautics.

* Archiving and deposition in publicly accessible repositories

As an open access journal, Journal of the Korean society for Aviation and Aeronautics, deposits all content in KCI, at the time of publication. This content is thus available from KCL itself, or from one of the international mirrors of this article.